Friday, July 20, 2007

Homestyle Bento

When the baby and I got up from her nap late this afternoon, dh and ds were in the kitchen, fixing dinner together! (I told you he was wonderful!) I added something green, but the guys did everything else on their own! Yum!

Baby's bento was a huge success tonight! She loved everything - teddy bear broccoli nugget (Morningstar Farms, they are DElish and work great with plastic cutting tools), creamed corn, Stove Top stuffing ball made in a snap with our rice ball molds , asparagus spears seasoned with Earth Balance and garlic salt.
Big kid bento included Morningstar Farms soy protein nuggets (he didn't like the broc nugget at all), also in teddy bear shapes, a mustard-filled carrot dish for dipping, and a larger bowl of creamed corn off camera. Chocolate ice cream for dessert and everyone's happy!

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